is there a deadline to submit proposals?

There are no set deadlines, but the committee generally stops reviewing proposals two weeks before the end of each semester. The committee does not meet during the summer. To ensure your proposal is considered, it’s best to submit it as early as possible in the semester. The committee aims to commit all available funds by the end of the Spring semester.

How do I submit a proposal?

Visit the “Submit a Proposal” page to access the appropriate proposal form based on your requested funding amount. Complete the form and email it to charlottegreeninitiative.cgi@gmail.com.

Can I just send you my idea instead of a proposal form? Can I send an incomplete form?

No. The committee will only review and make decisions based on completed proposals submitted using the provided forms. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. We can however, connect you to other resources on campus to help you put your proposal together.

While proposals should address all required sections, the committee understands that some ideas may need further development. For large grants (>$500), the committee may invite proposers to a meeting to answer questions and receive feedback. Most proposals need help campus supporters or advisors to be completed on campus. 

What are some common proposal mistakes?

Some of the most common mistakes the CGI Committee sees in proposals include vague or incomplete project descriptions that lack sufficient details and research, unclear justifications for how the project aligns with sustainability goals, failing to identify appropriate long-term campus partners, inaccurate or missing budget details, unrealistic project timelines, and unclear or misleading project titles. Proposers should take care to provide comprehensive information, do their research, follow guidelines, and work with the committee and mentors to improve proposals when such issues are identified.

For tips on creating a successful proposal, visit the Submit a Proposal page.

Is there a minimum/maximum budget size?

While there is no strict maximum, the committee typically receives more requests for funds than the annual allocation can support. The largest single proposals have been around $40,000. You can refer to the Projects page to get an idea of typical grant sizes. There is no minimum size.

What would I be expected to do if my proposal is accepted?

The level of involvement varies. Some projects are completed by university staff, while others are carried out by the proposing students. Large proposals (>$500) require identifying on-campus partners to ensure project completion and maintenance. Project teams are expected to provide updates to the committee and may be asked to promote CGI by acknowledging the funding source or displaying the CGI logo.

How can I get more involved with CGI?

Students can apply to join the committee by following the instructions on the Join the Committee page. The committee also welcomes staff and faculty advisors.

Who should I contact if I have further questions?

Contact us at charlottegreeninitiative.cgi@gmail.com. A committee member will then reach out to answer your questions.